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Current Issue

Published: 2024-08-22


A theoretical approach to endorphin-stimulating architecture

Prasasto Satwiko, Supra Wimbarti, Brigitta Michelle, Mutiara Cininta
Abstract 853 | PDF Downloads 620

Page 91–99

Page 100–108

The significance of public space in assessing architectural heritage

Sergio Coll-Pla, Tatiana Medina-Sánchez, Fernando Cuzziramos-Gutiérrez, Denis L. Mayta-Ponce, Daniel Málaga-Montoya, Agustí Costa-Jover, Cèlia Mallafrè-Balsells
Abstract 344 | PDF Downloads 245

Page 125–132

Evaluation of physical-spatial characteristics affecting the quality of apartment housing

Pedram Hessari, Farhad Chegeni
Abstract 185 | PDF Downloads 141

Page 133–140

Comparative study of social sustainability between Western cities and Iranian historical cities

Safa Salkhi Khasraghi, Asma Mehan, Atefeh Hakimi Oskui
Abstract 215 | PDF Downloads 142

Page 141–150

Decoding spatial layout patterns of traditional houses in urban kampung settlements

Nova Asriana, Rendy Perdana Khidmat
Abstract 214 | PDF Downloads 139

Page 151–175

After seven years of partnership with Taylor & Francis in co-publishing of Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, we are proud to announce that from 2018 Journal of Architecture and Urbanism will be published by VGTU Press as an Open Access journal. All future articles will be published under a CC-BY 4.0 licence. All published papers are expected to be uploaded into the new journal system by the end of 2018 and will be accessible under the same CC-BY 4.0 licence. In the meantime you can find the journal archive on the Taylor & Francis platform http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/ttpa20

Currently, we are still in the process of improving our new journal system by uploading archives, and implementing tools to make the publishing process more effective. Such major changes require a lot of work and the VGTU Press team is dedicated to do their best through the transition period. Therefore, we appreciate your patience during this period, and we would be grateful for any feedback that will help improve the new system - to send your comments please e-mail eleidyba@vgtu.lt

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