
Creativity in project management teaching: the evidence from systematic literature review

    Rasa Nedzinskaitė-Mačiūnienė Affiliation
    ; Inga Minelgaitė Affiliation


This paper presents a systematic literature review of the empirical studies on project management teaching in higher education, examining to what extent teaching methods are oriented towards creativity. The systematic review is based on an analysis of relevant papers published between 1983 and 2019 and extracted from the electronic the ProQuest database and International Journal of Project Management. Literature suggests diverse benefits creativity can bring about to project environment including communication, conflict management, goal setting, and addressing increasing complexity of projectification impacted environment. However, the systematic review revealed that creativity is virtually not addressed at all in teaching of project management in higher education, even though overall diverse teaching methods and learning methods are used in the education of future project managers.

Keyword : creativity, future, higher education, project management, teaching methods

How to Cite
Nedzinskaitė-Mačiūnienė, R., & Minelgaitė, I. (2024). Creativity in project management teaching: the evidence from systematic literature review. Creativity Studies, 17(1), 207–222.
Published in Issue
Apr 9, 2024
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