
The influence of personal brand communication on consumers


The idea of this research is to combine the influence of personal brand with business needs. This article is a personal brand’s analysis on how personal brand influences consumer interest in products/services. An experiment is carried out on the content viewed by consumers using eye-tracking technology “Neuromarketing & AI LAB” to reveal emotional and structural sensations in the social network Instagram. The aim of this research is to determine the influence of a personal brand on the consumer. Research methodology: analysis of scientific literature, logical definition and theory construction, an experiment: research of human emotions and chosen content. Data analysis method: descriptive statistics and comparative analysis. AOI (heat map) was selected to illustrate the research results. Influencers with up to 100 000 followers were selected – stimuli that trigger or enhance physiological and psychological reactions in the body. It was found that the body and face of a personal brand had the higher influence on consumers. Personal brand attracts consumers’ attention and promotes engagement. The originality and value of the paper: content relevance research of personal brand (identity) influence on consumers in social network Instagram. Further we suggest carrying out similar personal brand’s research choosing other social networks.

Keyword : personal brand, influence, communication, consumers, neuromarketing, AI, heat map, influencers

How to Cite
Kromalcas, S., Kraujalienė, L., & Ževžikovas, G. (2024). The influence of personal brand communication on consumers. Business: Theory and Practice, 25(1), 95–107.
Published in Issue
Mar 5, 2024
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