
Interactive role of strategic clarity in the relationship between organizational conflict management and strategic decision quality


Different supervision methods usually lead to internal organizational conflicts, especially in a multi-unit organization, such as The Iraqi Ministry of Interior (IMI). In this regard, Successful organizational conflict management (OCM) is fundamentally associated with Strategic Clarity (SC) in addressing such conflicts which is also linked to the Strategic Decision Quality (SDQ). However, the complexity of the abovementioned variables is understudied especially in the governmental security-service sectors. The present study provides a comprehensive analysis of the relationships between OCM, SC and SDQ in the IMI. A questionnaire, prepared for measuring the interactive role of SC in the relationship between OCM and the SDQ, was distributed among leaders and managers of that ministry. It was evident that SC significantly enhances the relationship between OCM and SDQ in the ministry, registering a substantial interactive effect of 0.25. The study concluded that the dimensions of SC amplify the strategic connection between OCM and the high-quality SDQ made by administrative leaders in the ministry. This emphasizes the need for further integration and activation of SC as part of the strategic vision, particularly in security challenges.

Keyword : organizational conflict, strategic clarity, strategic decision quality, Iraqi Ministry of Interior

How to Cite
Hussain, A. N., Olaywi, A. H., Amanah, A. A., & Fadhil, A. H. (2024). Interactive role of strategic clarity in the relationship between organizational conflict management and strategic decision quality. Business: Theory and Practice, 25(1), 154–163.
Published in Issue
Mar 14, 2024
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