About the Journal

Publishing of scientific journal “The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering“ was transferred from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania) to Riga Technical University (Latvia) since 11 June 2018. Prof. Dr. Ainars Paeglitis from Riga Technical University has been elected Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
We would like to notify that handing over of the journal publishing does not change its periodicity of publishing, areas of research, and indexed/abstracted databases.
According to this, please submit papers here https://bjrbe-journals.rtu.lv/
Current Issue
Published: 2018-03-27
Dynamic impact of heavy long vehicles with equally spaced axles on short-span highway bridges
Page 1-13
Impact of recycled asphalt pavement on properties of foamed bituminous mixtures
Page 14-22
Heavy vehicle multi-body dynamic simulations to estimate skidding distance
Page 23-33
The impact of ageing on the bitumen stiffness modulus using the CAM model
Page 34-39
Load transfer-crack width relation of non-dowelled jointed plain concrete short slabs
Page 40-45
Non-destructive modulus testing and performance evaluation for asphalt pavement reflective cracking mitigation treatments
Page 46-53
Field testing and dynamic analysis of old continuous truss steel bridge
Page 54-66
Modal testing of an isolated overpass bridge in its construction stages
Page 67-76
Potential of MSWI bottom ash to be used as aggregate in road building materials
Page 77-86