
Potential of MSWI bottom ash to be used as aggregate in road building materials

    Audrius VAITKUS Affiliation
    ; Judita GRAŽULYTĖ Affiliation
    ; Viktoras VOROBJOVAS Affiliation
    ; Ovidijus ŠERNAS Affiliation
    ; Rita KLEIZIENĖ Affiliation


In the European Union, more than 140 million tonnes of municipal solid waste is incinerated annually. It generates about 30–40 million tonnes of residues known as municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash, which is typically landfilled. To deal with growing landfills, there is a need to utilize municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash as a building material. It has been known that municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash properties strongly depend on waste composition, which is directly influenced by people’s habits, economic policy, and technologies for metals recovery of bottom ash. Thus, municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash produced in a specific country or region has primarily to be tested to determine its physical and mechanical properties. The main aim of this study is to determine municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash physical and mechanical properties (aggregate particle size distribution, water content, oven-dried particle density, loose bulk density, Proctor density, optimal water content, California Bearing Ratio after and before soaking, permeability, Flakiness Index, Shape Index, percentage of crushed and broken surfaces, resistance to fragmentation (Los Angeles coefficient), water absorption and resistance to freezing and thawing). Municipal solid waste in-cinerator bottom ash produced in the waste-to-energy plant in Klaipėda (Lithuania) was used in this research. Ferrous and non-ferrous metals were separated after more than three months of municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash ageing in the atmosphere. The study showed promising results from considering municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash as possible aggregates for road building materials.

Keyword : bottom ash, municipal solid waste, municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI), physical and mechanical properties, road-building material

Published in Issue
Mar 27, 2018
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