The journal provides its’ policies, which include detailed information about submission, editorial and publishing processes and guidelines for authors and reviewers. All parties are being introduced with their rights and responsibilities to ensure smooth and ethical publishing process. Visit following subsections for more details on each policy:
All authors are responsible for ensuring that:
Non-compliance with any of the above conditions will be considered misconduct and dealt with accordingly. Equally, if authors are found guilty of infringing any of the above, the publisher reserves the right to charge the authors with costs which the journal incurs for their manuscript at the discretion of the Journal’s Editors and the publisher.
The journal invites external experts (not only Editorial Board members) to review each article that is considered suitable for consideration. The publication decision is made by the Editor-in-Chief after receiving at least two external reviewer reports with recommendations.
Authors are encouraged to suggest suitable reviewers, but the Editor-in-Chief and the editorial office reserves the right to select different reviewers. The reason for asking authors to suggest reviewers is that they are best placed to know who is an expert in the field. In addition, the suggested reviewers may be suitable for other articles on the same topic. Therefore, obtaining these names can help the editorial office to ensure that it is approaching suitable people to review all articles.
The journal uses double-blind peer review (neither the authors nor the reviewers know the identity of each other) to avoid bias.
On receipt of at least two reviews, the Editor-in-Chief will make a decision of (1) accept, (2) minor revision, (3) major revision, or (4) reject. The reasons for the decision will be communicated to the authors.
When the decision of minor/major revision is made, and the authors do not revise their articles satisfactorily after receiving reviewer reports, then the Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to reject the article. When revised articles are received they will either be sent out for further review or the Editor-in-Chief will make a decision depending on the level of revision requested.
The time to review and make a decision is extremely variable since it is sometimes difficult to find suitable reviewers, and there may be delays in receiving reviewer reports. The Editor-in-Chief and editorial office make all efforts to minimize the time from submission to first decision. The journal aims to make a first decision (after review) within 40–60 days, but cannot guarantee this.
Note that articles that do not report original research (e.g. letters to the editor, editorials) are not externally reviewed and the Editor-in-Chief makes the decision to publish.
As the article is ready for publication, it will be published on the Journal website as “Article in Press” with its own publication date as follows: “Published in Issue: the date when placed on the Journal server”. Later the article will be moved to the Regular or Special Issue.
Each article receives an international identification code – the “Digital Object Identifier” (DOI), which is registered with the International DOI Foundation and is unique.
Articles published as “Article in Press” (online first) are citable by Journal Title (Transport) and DOI (****.****).
“Article in Press” appear in their final form. Therefore, the papers cannot be changed or withdrawn after the electronic publication. Any corrections that might be necessary have to be made in an “Erratum”, which will be hyperlinked to the article.
The journal is owned by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH) who supports the journal and the publishing operation of VILNIUS TECH.
In 2016–2019, publishing costs of papers were partially funded by the project “Publication and Coordination of Scientific Periodicals, 2016–2019” (Code No. 09.3.3-ESFA-V-711-01-0004, No. PML-2016/03). The project was implemented by the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences in partnership with Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and other Lithuanian institutions. Read more about the Project:
However, the majority of the cost of publication is funded by Article Publication Charges (APCs) paid by authors or their institutes. These are levied for TRANSPORT journal and cover the costs of publication to allow for articles to be made freely available Open Access to all readers, anywhere in the world.
An APC of 400 EUR applies for all peer-reviewed and accepted manuscripts (minimum manuscript extent is 6 pages; maximum manuscript extent is not limited).
Special note regarding sales tax and VAT for authors
APC is subject to VAT at the standard Lithuanian VAT rate of 21%.
According to the laws of Lithuania, the tax must be included for payers who are natural persons and only institutions can have it excluded (for European Union countries only). For institutions paying the APC, they can be transferred directly to VILNIUS TECH, excluding the VAT from the sum.
Note that if misconduct is suspected during the review process the manuscript will be held until any concerns have been resolved. If misconduct is confirmed during the review process the manuscript will be immediately rejected. If misconduct is proved after publication then the article will be retracted.