
A model to evaluate supply chain technology implementation influence on organizational performance

    Zeynab Soltany Affiliation
    ; Reza Rostamzadeh Affiliation
    ; Viktor Skrickij Affiliation


Supply Chain Management (SCM) aims to achieve organizational competitiveness. By including SCM paradigm and Information Technology (IT), companies aim to enhance their responsiveness and flexibility, and by changing their operations’ strategy, they attempt to improve their competitiveness. This study focuses on the organizational variable, IT capabilities, technological structure, and possible antecedents and their impact on Supply Chain Technology (SCT) implementation. This paper proposes a model to examine the way, which SCT implementation affects IT enabled Organizational Performance (OP). The data were achieved through the questionnaires, and then they were analysed by using Smart PLS 3 program. The data collected from 118 employees in IT sector of Iran’s customs administration provide strong support to the proposed research model. The results of this research showed that SCT implementation has a mediating effect on IT enabled OP improvement. Besides, the study revealed that IT capabilities have the most and organizational variable has the least influence on implementation of SCT. Based on other organization’s situations, they can use the suggested model with a little changes.

Keyword : supply chain technology, organizational performance, IT enabled, structural equation model, simultaneous factor analysis

How to Cite
Soltany, Z., Rostamzadeh, R., & Skrickij, V. (2018). A model to evaluate supply chain technology implementation influence on organizational performance. Transport, 33(3), 779-792.
Published in Issue
Sep 27, 2018
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