
Using accessibility measures in transit network design

    Gorkem Gulhan Affiliation
    ; Huseyin Ceylan Affiliation
    ; Halim Ceylan Affiliation


Transit planning scenarios may lead to the different Objective Function (OF) values since each scenario has different transit travel times, frequencies and fleet sizes. Change on those variables leads to the different accessibility values for each route set. Therefore, the actual performance of a route set may be unforeseen since the accessibility values are out of evaluation criteria. This study tries to generate techniques, which handle the relation between accessibility and transportation in the scope of public transit. The accessibility measures, which have direct relation with land use and transportation, are utilized in transit route set decision. Accessibility measures have been utilized in the decision-making process of transit network design. Conventional OFs, which are used to determine the most effective route sets are combined with accessibility based OFs and the decision-making process of transit network design is strengthened. In this context, the effects of accessibility measures in decision-making process of transit network design have been represented on an 8-node example transit network. The results showed the accessibility measures could effectively improve the planners’ decision accuracy.

First published online 12 April 2017

Keyword : transit network design, potential accessibility, utility-based accessibility, spatial interaction, transit assignment, multi-criteria decision-making

How to Cite
Gulhan, G., Ceylan, H., & Ceylan, H. (2018). Using accessibility measures in transit network design. Transport, 33(2), 510–519.
Published in Issue
Jan 26, 2018
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