
Effects of injection timing of diesel fuel on performance and emission of dual fuel diesel engine powered by diesel/E85 fuels

    Wojciech Tutak Affiliation
    ; Arkadiusz Jamrozik Affiliation
    ; Ákos Bereczky Affiliation
    ; Kristof Lukacs Affiliation


The paper presents the results of the investigation of Dual Fuel (DF) diesel engines powered by high bioethanol contain fuel – E85. The object of the investigation is a three-cylinder Compression Ignition (CI) Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) powered by diesel oil and bioethanol fuel E85 injected into the intake port as a DF engine. With the increase in the share of E85 fuel the highest intensification of the combustion process takes place in the main stage of the combustion and the ignition delay increases as well. The researchers are conducted using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method; the results of the investigation are successfully verified based on the indicator diagrams, heat performance rate and emissions. Based on CFD results the cross sections investigation of the combustion chamber it can be seen that in case of the DF engine, the flame front propagates with a higher speed. The initial phase of the combustion starts in a different location of the combustion chamber than in the classic CI engine. Replacement of diesel fuel by E85 in 20% resulted in the shortening of the combustion duration more than 2-times. With the increase of energetic share in E85 the soot emission is decreased at all ranges of the analysed operations of the engine. The oppositerelationship was observed in case of NO emission. With the increase of E85 in the fuel, the emission of NO increased.

Keyword : dual fuel engine, diesel engine, exhaust emission, modelling, combustion

How to Cite
Tutak, W., Jamrozik, A., Bereczky, Ákos, & Lukacs, K. (2018). Effects of injection timing of diesel fuel on performance and emission of dual fuel diesel engine powered by diesel/E85 fuels. Transport, 33(3), 633-646.
Published in Issue
Jul 10, 2018
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