
The strategic process of developing social aspects of sustainability through the vision reflection in business education

    Judita Peterlin Affiliation
    ; Vlado Dimovski Affiliation
    ; Manuela Tvaronavičienė Affiliation
    ; Barbara Grah Affiliation
    ; Arturas Kaklauskas Affiliation


Empowering students in the higher education environment as a challenging pedagogical trend represents one of the key social aspects of sustainability. In this article we discuss the students’ visions, their future development preferences and focus on the study and further achievements of the business students by analyzing the content of students’ self-reflected dialogues. The traditional pedagogical approach is upgraded through the introduction of the conceptual model – The strategic process of developing social aspects of sustainability through business education. It emphasizes vision development, gender issues awareness, work-life balance, widening horizons and nurturing proactiveness, and aims to highlight the importance of attitude-related content besides knowledge-related content. We advise the pedagogues to encourage personal development of their students in order to be able to identify different developmental types and individualize the study process, accordingly. The paper also provides practical implications for the incorporation into the syllabuses of the business school programs. Based on the analysis of up-to-date affective tutoring systems, authors’ long-term experience and in order to determine most efficient versions of business education the Affective Tutoring System for Business Education (ARTSY) was developed

Keyword : students’ visions, social aspects, sustainability, reflection, empowerment, pedagogical approach

How to Cite
Peterlin, J., Dimovski, V., Tvaronavičienė, M., Grah, B., & Kaklauskas, A. (2018). The strategic process of developing social aspects of sustainability through the vision reflection in business education. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(4), 1718-1736.
Published in Issue
Aug 30, 2018
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