
Recent findings from numerical analysis in multi-criteria decision making

    Friedel Peldschus Affiliation


Numerical investigations have shown, that different function profiles for the description of variants are possible. This should be taken into account for mapping of characteristic values on a dimensionless interval [1; 0] or [1; ~ 0]. The purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of linear, concave and convex function profiles for mapping on a dimensionless interval (normalisation). Ten different formulas were examined.

The analysis of calculation approaches in the past revealed that only a single transformation formula was used for all criteria. A specific investigation into a functional character of the different initial values has not been done. Hence, the question whether this being a real or fictitious calculation was not answered. The performed analyses are supposed to contribute to the prevention of erroneous decisions.

Keyword : multi-criteria decisions, calculation of dimensionless values, game theory, non-linear decision making problems, optimal variant selection, construction management

How to Cite
Peldschus, F. (2018). Recent findings from numerical analysis in multi-criteria decision making. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(4), 1695-1717.
Published in Issue
Aug 28, 2018
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