
Large-scale emergency supplier selection considering limited rational behaviors of decision makers and ranking robustness

    Xiaofang Li Affiliation
    ; Huchang Liao Affiliation
    ; Romualdas Baušys Affiliation
    ; Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas Affiliation


Selecting emergency suppliers from a wide range of candidates based on their performance under each criterion can be regarded as a multi-criterion decision making (MCDM) problem. Existing MCDM models to solve the emergency supplier selection problem ignored situations where large-scale suppliers exist, the influence of criteria weights on the robustness of ranking results, and the influence of psychology of regret aversion and disappointment aversion on decision results. To make up for these deficiencies, this paper proposes an MCDM model to solve emergency supplier selection problem with large-scale alternatives. Firstly, to avoid the influence of criteria weights on ranking of alternatives, the Robustness, Correlation, and Standard Deviation (ROCOSD) method is introduced to determine objective weights of criteria based on three objectives. Secondly, the τ-balanced clustering method is applied to cluster large-scale alternatives into balanced clusters. Next, considering the psychology of regret aversion and disappointment aversion of decision makers, a two-stage method is proposed to rank alternatives, which identifies the optimal alternative within each cluster and forms a new cluster consisting of these optimal alternatives in the first stage, and selects the optimal alternative from the new-formed cluster in the second stage. A numerical case is given to validate the proposed model.

Keyword : emergency supplier selection, large-scale alternatives, multi-criterion decision-making, regret theory, disappointment theory, τ-balanced clustering method, ROCOSD method

How to Cite
Li, X., Liao, H., Baušys, R., & Zavadskas, E. K. (2024). Large-scale emergency supplier selection considering limited rational behaviors of decision makers and ranking robustness. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 30(4), 1037–1063.
Published in Issue
May 30, 2024
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