
Exploring factors influencing the digital economy: uncovering the relationship structure to improve sustainability in China

    Jiangquan Wang Affiliation
    ; Jun Zhang Affiliation
    ; Javier Cifuentes-Faura Affiliation
    ; Sinisi Crenguta Ileana Affiliation
    ; Xin Zhao Affiliation


Digital economy is a great route to promote the efficient utilization of natural resources and promote sustainability due to its high-tech, rapid growth, extensive penetration, deep integration and other characteristics. Existing study on the influencing factors of the digital economy is not deep enough and lacks the analysis on the relationship structure of factors influencing the digital economy, which is not conducive for an overall grasp of the digital economy. To correctly understand how to better develop the digital economy, this paper studies its influencing factors and the relationships between them. Based on the time-series data of China from 2002 to 2018, grey correlation analysis was applied to calculate the correlation between these influencing factors and the digital economy, and determine the major influencing factors of digital economy development in China. The Granger causality test and a review of existing research were used to judge the interrelationship of various factors. The interpretative structure model was utilized to determine the relationship structure of the main factors affecting the development of China’s digital economy. The results show that the number of digital talents, state of the technology market, and degree of digitalization are direct influencing factors of the digital economy. The results help to better understand the development of the digital economy and will enable the implementation of policies to improve towards more sustainable cities.

Keyword : digital economy, influence factors, relationship structure, sustainability

How to Cite
Wang, J., Zhang, J., Cifuentes-Faura, J., Crenguta Ileana, S., & Zhao, X. (2024). Exploring factors influencing the digital economy: uncovering the relationship structure to improve sustainability in China. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 30(2), 441–463.
Published in Issue
Apr 30, 2024
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