
Measuring the effect of entry into the eurozone on economic growth – data storytelling using clustering and ANFIS


The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of a country’s entry into the monetary union on its economic variables growth rate of real GDP as well as on GDP per capita growth for the period from 2010 to 2020. The clustering method and the ANFIS method were used in the data analysis. A total of two cluster analyses were performed. The first cluster includes countries that joined the EU in 2004 and became EZ members by 2010. The second cluster refers to those countries that joined the EU in 2004 but are not yet members of the EZ. For the first individual cluster analysis two models were analysed and for the second individual cluster three models were analysed using the ANFIS method. As expected, the results showed that GDP growth is connected with trade, inflation and gross investments in fixed capital in the observed countries, while GDP per capita is connected with unemployment, interest rates and public debt. With regard to GDP growth, the difference between countries that are in the eurozone and those that are not is not significant, which is in line with other studies.

First published online 14 March 2024

Keyword : European Union, European integration, financial integration, Eurozone, clustering, ANFIS method

How to Cite
Bosna, J., Brlečić Valčić, S., & Peša, A. (2024). Measuring the effect of entry into the eurozone on economic growth – data storytelling using clustering and ANFIS. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 30(3), 646–666.
Published in Issue
May 28, 2024
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