
Integrating the BWM and TOPSIS algorithm to evaluate the optimal token exchanges platform in Taiwan

    Wei-Yuan Wang Affiliation
    ; Yeh-Cheng Yang Affiliation
    ; Chun-Yueh Lin Affiliation


This research presents procedures for determining the optimal solution of token exchanges platform for investors in Taiwan via integrating the best-worst method (BWM) and the technique for ordering preference by similarity to the ideal solution (TOPSIS). Firstly, this research applies the modified Delphi method to develop the perspectives and factors via literature review and experts opinion. Secondly, the BWM is implemented to obtain weights of perspectives and factors on the linear programming concept. Thirdly, the TOPSIS model is used to rank the optimal solution of the token exchange for investors or corporations. Finally, the proposed model BWMTOPSIS-based procedures will list the optimal token exchanges platform on the three token exchange platforms to investors or corporations in Taiwan on the basis of their rankings in the architecture. The proposed combination framework is able to provide academic and commerce support to investors or corporations in implementing the token into their portfolio as a valuable objective guide to determine the optimal token exchange platform.

First published online 09 December 2021

Keyword : bitcoin, token exchange platform, decision-making, Delphi method, Best-Worst Method (BWM), TOPSIS

How to Cite
Wang, W.-Y., Yang, Y.-C., & Lin, C.-Y. (2022). Integrating the BWM and TOPSIS algorithm to evaluate the optimal token exchanges platform in Taiwan . Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 28(2), 358–380.
Published in Issue
Feb 23, 2022
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