
Performance evaluation model of Romanian manufacturing listed companies by fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS

    Adrian Ioan Ban   Affiliation
    ; Olimpia Iuliana Ban   Affiliation
    ; Victoria Bogdan   Affiliation
    ; Diana Claudia Sabau Popa   Affiliation
    ; Delia Tuse   Affiliation


We are interested in the hierarchy of the main Romanian companies in the manufacturing industry by considering eight financial and seven non-financial indicators. Thirty three listed companies, that are non-financial institutions, were selected for the study and in order to control the reliability of the data we used the Bucharest Stock Exchange database, official data published by the Romanian Ministry of Public Finance, and the annual reports released by the companies on their websites, collecting information for the years 2011–2015. Because the human thinking is subjective and ambiguous we prefer linguistic variables, converted afterwards in triangular fuzzy numbers, to represent the importance of indicators. Our method involves the calculation of the weights of individual or categories of indicators based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process. Then, the level of performance for each company, separately for financial, non-financial and all indicators is obtained by TOPSIS method. We deduce an objective hierarchy of the companies on a rigorous basis, which is however dependent from the choice of indicators and the conversion scale of linguistic variables into triangular fuzzy numbers. Also, following the obtained results we concluded that the overall performance of companies for the analyzed period is significantly influenced by non-financial indicators.

First published online 16 April 2020

Keyword : manufacturing company, indicator, performance, evaluation, fuzzy sets, FAHP, TOPSIS, hierarchy

How to Cite
Ban, A. I. ., Ban, O. I. ., Bogdan, V. ., Sabau Popa, D. C. ., & Tuse, D. . (2020). Performance evaluation model of Romanian manufacturing listed companies by fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 26(4), 808-836.
Published in Issue
Jun 12, 2020
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