
Generalized DEMATEL technique with centrality measurements

    Chin-Yi Chen Affiliation
    ; Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng Affiliation
    ; Jih-Jeng Huang Affiliation


DEMATEL technique is a useful tool for understanding the influential relationship be­tween criteria of a systematic problematique in structural modeling, and has received much atten­tion in the field of decision analysis recently. However, the past papers focused on the applications of DEMATEL technique and ignored the convergence problem of the approach. In addition, two simple indicators, i.e., in-degree and out-degree centralities, used in DEMATEL technique cannot fully represent the insight of the network relationship. In this paper, we propose a general DE­MATEL technique which incorporated the concept based on interaction diminishing effect. The traditional DEMATEL technique can be considered as a special case of the proposed method when we ignore the effect. Later, we give six important indicators which can be used in DEMATEL tech­nique to conclude the relative importance of criteria. In addition, a numerical example is used to demonstrate the proposed method and the applications of the indicators.

First published online: 08 May 2017

Keyword : decision analysis, DEMATEL technique, systematic problematique, structural modeling, indicators, influential relationship

How to Cite
Chen, C.-Y., Tzeng, G.-H., & Huang, J.-J. (2018). Generalized DEMATEL technique with centrality measurements. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(2), 600–614.
Published in Issue
Mar 20, 2018
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