
Distinguishing coefficient driven sensitivity analysis of GRA model for intelligent decisions: application in project management

    Amin Mahmoudi   Affiliation
    ; Saad Ahmed Javed   Affiliation
    ; Sifeng Liu Affiliation
    ; Xiaopeng Deng   Affiliation


The Distinguishing Coefficient (ξ) is an important parameter of Grey Relational Analysis (GRA), a flagship multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) model of Grey System Theory, an intelligent and multifaceted field developed by Chinese scientists in 1980s. However, the scholars widely assume ξ = 0.5. The current study questions this practice. Also, some scholars have argued that the variation in ξ doesn’t influence the ranking of the factors through GRA. On contrary, the study demonstrates, the variation in ξ can influence the ranking. This has been shown through a case involving primary data concerning the perceived relative importance of Project Management Knowledge Areas (PMKAs). This study is significant for the analysts of uncertain systems, represented by grey or fuzzy systems, who intend to use GRA for intelligent multi-criteria decision making. It encourages ξ – driven sensitivity analysis of GRA model before interpreting the results. The study reveals, by tailoring the value of ξ a point can be achieved where the ranking obtained through GRA can be made most comparable to the other MCDM methods. For comparative analysis of the GRA based results the study deployed three other MCDM techniques; Analytic Hierarchy Process, Best Worst Method and Simple Additive Weighting.

Keyword : project management, knowledge areas, Grey Relational Analysis GRA, Simple Additive Weighing SAW, Analytic Hierarchy Process AHP, Best Worst Method BWM

How to Cite
Amin Mahmoudi, Javed, S. A. ., Liu, S. ., & Deng, X. . (2020). Distinguishing coefficient driven sensitivity analysis of GRA model for intelligent decisions: application in project management. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 26(3), 621-641.
Published in Issue
Jun 2, 2020
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