
Prediction of simulated factory layout throughput using artificial intelligence

    Patrick Eschemann Affiliation
    ; Astrid Nieße Affiliation
    ; Jürgen Sauer Affiliation


The use of artificial neural networks for the optimisation of factory layouts is not a common practice, primarily due to the challenge of collecting sufficient layout data to form datasets for artificial intelligence (AI) model training. This paper presents a supervised learning method derived from a PhD thesis that employs neural networks to assess factory layouts. The training data is generated using a random layout algorithm, which is capable of producing numerous layouts. These layouts are then labeled through a discrete event simulation. The combination of layouts and simulation metrics serves as the training basis for the neural network. The AI framework integrates a convolutional neural network with a multilayer perceptron, which is capable of handling both tabular and image data. Ultimately, this allows us to calculate of the simulated throughput.

First published online 20 January 2025

Keyword : discrete simulation, AI-supported simulation, neural network, transportation, decision support systems

How to Cite
Eschemann, P., Nieße, A., & Sauer, J. (2024). Prediction of simulated factory layout throughput using artificial intelligence. New Trends in Computer Sciences, 2(2), 101–116.
Published in Issue
Dec 31, 2024
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