
Effect of rice hull amendment in green roof substrates


The use of waste and locally available materials could improve the sustainability of green roofs. Therefore, a study was conducted to evaluate the potential of a rice hulls in the organic and inorganic portion of green roof substrates. Three substrate mixtures were prepared at the site by mixing locally available materials. The substrate mixtures were designated as RPZV (rice hulls 6:1; pumice and zeolite mixture 2:1; vermicompost 2:1 by volume), PZR (rice hulls 2:1; pumice and zeolite 8:1), and PZV (pumice and zeolite 8:1; vermicompost 2:1). Measurements were performed including plant growth index, chlorophyll fluorescence, biomass accumulation on native and exotic plant species. Increased amounts of rice hulls in the substrate mixture had a significant effect on reducing bulk density up to 24%, increasing organic matter content up to 67% and maximum water holding capacity (WHC) of the substrate, but also had the lowest volumetric moisture values in the field measurements due to increased porosity and permeability of the substrate.  Adversely, substrate mixtures with higher rice hull content experienced greater temperature fluctuations during the study period, which have resulted in increased plant mortality and stress for certain plant species during the study. As the organic part of the substrate, rice hulls caused a decrease on the salinity of the substrate by about 28% and provided higher survival rates and lower stress levels for A.schoenoprasum, C.creticus, L.spectabilis, D.chinensis and Sedum species. The results of the study suggested that, rice hulls may have the potential to be used in appropriate proportions due to their low bulk density, low salinity and resistance to degradation, leading to a reduction in the environmental impact of green roof construction.

Keyword : green roof, substrates, locally available material, rice hull, plant growth

How to Cite
Dinçel, H., & Ekşi, M. (2024). Effect of rice hull amendment in green roof substrates. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 32(4), 357–371.
Published in Issue
Dec 4, 2024
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