
Assessment of spatial and temporal distribution of Urban Heat Islands (UHI) in semi-arid climate


An urban heat island phenomenon has increased in the last decades due to rapid urbanization, resulting in a significant impact on local climate. In this study, remote sensing data was used to analyze Spatiotemporal patterns of Urban Heat Island Intensity (UHII) over a 20 years period in a semi-arid climate area. The relationship between the Land Surface Temperature (LST), vegetation and Land Cover Types (LCTs) were examined. The relation between the UHII and its driving factors (different LCTs and meteorological conditions) was analyzed. Analysis of 8-day daytime and nighttime LST data acquired from MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) shows that Amman has a significant UHII in both daytime and night time. The results show a negative correlation between the LST and vegetation indicators and between the UHII and the wind speed average, indicating a positive correlation between the UHII and temperature. Vegetation has been proven to significantly reduce LST, mainly in the daytime, due to its cooling effect that results from the transpiration process and shadow effect.

Keyword : Urban Heat Island, Land Cover Type, land surface temperature, vegetation indexes, spatio-temporal pattern, MODIS

How to Cite
Hussein, N. M., & Assaf, M. N. (2023). Assessment of spatial and temporal distribution of Urban Heat Islands (UHI) in semi-arid climate. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 31(1), 52–66.
Published in Issue
Feb 9, 2023
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