
A city shaped by modernist architecture: Sümerbank Textile (Cotton) Printing Factory and its worker settlements

    Huriye Armağan Doğan Affiliation


At the turn of the 20th century, the ideas of the English garden city movement influenced the designers and the governments not only regarding the design of the cities but in different aspects, including the design of industrial settlements. The factories built in the early 20th century mostly employed the ideals of the modern movement and turned the factories into a social reform for workers and the cities where these factories were located. Nazilli Sümerbank Textile (Cotton) Printing Factory is one of these social factories, which can be recognised as a self-contained factory complex that was participating in the social transformation of the area. The aim of this paper is to conduct research regarding the impact of the social factories on the cities and society through the case study of Nazilli Sümerbank Textile (Cotton) Printing Factory and document its workers’ settlements.

Keyword : modern movement, social factory, worker settlements, industrial heritage, Turkey, Nazilli, Sümerbank

How to Cite
Doğan, H. A. (2023). A city shaped by modernist architecture: Sümerbank Textile (Cotton) Printing Factory and its worker settlements. Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 47(2), 190–201.
Published in Issue
Dec 11, 2023
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