
The sense of entrance to a place in Kashan historical houses


The sense of place is like a mental perception of people individuals and the conscious feeling of the environment and the entrance as important signs cause the formation of mental image and the continuity of sense of belonging to the place in people. The character that the entrance takes is an important factor for the connection between inside and outside the building. The research question is what are the criteria for recognizing entrance architecture? And how have these criteria been able to improve the continuity of the sense of belonging to the place in the inhabitants of the historical context of Kashan? In the architecture of Kashan’s houses, entrance space as a conceptual element has high importance and reflects the architectural, cultural, and social values. This important element, which is based on behavioral patterns, has lost its identity today and has been reduced scale to a separating outside from inside. Studies show that integration and integrity, the radius of vision, and visual depth are three important indices designed based on them. This research through case study and using Depth map software has examined these characteristics at the entrance of nine historical houses in Kashan. The results show that the design of these entrances has the highest degree of coherence and a maximum radius of view and due to high visual depth have high privacy.

Keyword : sense of entrance, place, promotion of dependence, historical houses, Kashan

How to Cite
Danaeinia, A. (2021). The sense of entrance to a place in Kashan historical houses. Journal of Architecture and Urbanism, 45(1), 38-49.
Published in Issue
Feb 22, 2021
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