
Considering the issue of renovating public buildings with reference to in-kind investigations into wall heat transfer coefficients

    Robertas Volvačiovas Affiliation
    ; Zenonas Turskis Affiliation
    ; Česlovas Ignatavičius Affiliation
    ; Leonas Ustinovičius Affiliation
    ; Audrius Ruzgys Affiliation


This article raises the problem of high energy consumption stimulated by heating buildings and preparing hot water. The paper shortly revises the state of renovating public buildings in Lithuania. A number of scientists devote close attention to examining various aspects of building renovation (technical regulations on constructions, subsidies provided by the state, cost-effectiveness, factors influencing building renovation, etc.). The article presents a few studies by foreign scientists, lists factors that determine public building renovation (unsatisfactory indoor air hygiene and floor temperature, indoor relative humidity, indoor air velocity, indoor carbon dioxide concentration, physical deterioration of a large building, poor aesthetic appearance of the building, etc.) and demonstrates a few practical examples. In accordance with Lithuanian design codes, a methodology for determining heat transfer coefficients in public buildings is provided. Besides, investigations into heat transfer coefficients before and after the renovation of public buildings have been conducted. A few nursery school buildings in Lithuania have been examined applying laboratory equipment before and after renovation. It was found that the wall heat transfer coefficient of properly designed and insulated buildings falls by more than 4–5 times to reach the normal value of the heat transfer coefficient (value of the heat transfer coefficient falls from 1.12 to 0.22 W/(m2·K)). A comparison of an external thermal insulation plastering composite system with an external aeration heat-insulated system has been done. The estimation has revealed that due to lower costs, better results of thermal resistance obtained using the external thermal insulation plastering composite system can produce better wall heat transfer coefficient values. The obtained results have been determined referring to better wall insulation tightness. The paper also summarizes data on heating buildings and consumption of prepared hot water before and after renovation. On the basis of the findings acquired employing the degree-day–method, public building energy consumption for heating and hot water preparation decreased from 41.30 to 43.73%.


Straipsnyje trumpai apžvelgta pastatų energinio efektyvumo problematika, visuomeninių pastatų atnaujinimo situacija Lietuvoje, pateikiami keli užsienio valstybių mokslininkų darbų, kuriuose nagrinėjama pastatų atnaujinimo tematika, pavyzdžiai. Be praktinių pavyzdžių, nurodomi veiksniai, lemiantys visuomeninės paskirties pastatų atnaujinimą. Taip pat pateikiami visuomeninės paskirties pastatų sienų šilumos perdavimo koeficientų tyrimų, atliktų naudojant laboratorinę įrangą, rezultatai, ištyrus kelis visuomeninės paskirties pastatus Lietuvoje prieš ir po pastatų atnaujinimo. Palyginta išorinė tinkuojama sudėtinė termoizoliacinė sistema su išorine vėdinamąja termoizoliacine sistema, apibendrinta nagrinėjamų pastatų sąnaudų šildyti ir karštam vandeniui ruošti ekonominė nauda prieš ir po pastatų atnaujinimo taikant dienolaipsnių metodiką.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: visuomeninis pastataspastato atnaujinimaspastato modernizavimasekonominė naudaišorinė atitvarašilumos perdavimo koeficientasnatūriniai tyrimaidienolaipsnių metodika

Keyword : public building, building renovation, building modernization, economic benefit, external partition, heat transfer coefficient, in-kind investigations, degree-day-method

How to Cite
Volvačiovas, R., Turskis, Z., Ignatavičius, Česlovas, Ustinovičius, L., & Ruzgys, A. (2013). Considering the issue of renovating public buildings with reference to in-kind investigations into wall heat transfer coefficients. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 5(2), 82-91.
Published in Issue
Jul 5, 2013
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