Topology optimization methods for morphing aircraft design: a review
Current aeronautical research efforts are increasingly focused on weight reduction and the integration of advanced materials analysing dynamic properties. These efforts encompass cellular structures, flexible skins, and modifiable primary and secondary structural elements (e.g., wings). The development of technologies for morphing aircraft design enhances aerodynamic performance and structural efficiency, thereby optimizing the mechanical design of these systems. The authors provide a comprehensive review of the current state of topology optimization methods in morphing aircraft design, highlighting the number of publications in this field and identifying the key journals contributing to this research. It also offers an in-depth analysis of the Solid Isotropic Material with Penalization (SIMP) method, the Evolutionary Structural Optimization (ESO), Bidirectional Evolutionary Structural Optimization (BESO), the recent Proportional Topology Optimization (PTO) and evaluates their effectiveness in achieving efficient designs. Additionally, the review discusses of future challenges and potential advancements in topology optimization for morphing aircraft, offering a thorough overview of the field.
Keyword : topology optimization, morphing aircraft, solid isotropic material with penalization, SIMP, evolutionary structural optimization, ESO, bidirec- tional evolutionary structural optimization, BESO, proportional topology optimization, PTO

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