Evaluation of suppliers under uncertainty: a multiphase approach based on fuzzy AHP and fuzzy EDAS
A decision-making process requires a prior definition and fulfilment of certain factors, especially when it refers to complex fields such as supply chain management. One of the most important items in the initial stage of a supply chain, which strongly influences its further flow, is making a decision on the most suitable supplier. In this paper, a model for evaluation and supplier selection has been proposed, which has been considered in more than ten different production areas. The model consists of twenty quantitative and qualitative criteria, which are reduced to a total of nine by the application of the fuzzy AHP and the assessment of managers in production companies. The verification of the model has been presented throughout a selection of suppliers in a company for the production of plastic bags and foils, where the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP) method has been used to determine the significance of the criteria, and the Fuzzy Evaluation based on Distance from Average Solution (Fuzzy EDAS) to evaluate and select suppliers. The obtained results have been considered throughout a sensitivity analysis in which a total of 15 different scenarios have been formed and where the stability of the model has been determined, since the supplier one is the best solution in all the cases.
Keyword : supply chain, supplier selection, multi-criteria decision-making, Fuzzy AHP, Fuzzy EDAS, logistics

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