
Reducing CO2 emissions by improving road design: a driving simulator study


In the last decade, the causes of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions were widely studied, to delete or, at least, mitigate them. In the road context, as reasonable, greater importance was assigned to the vehicles, since huge traffic flows, including high percentages of trucks, determine negative impacts on the environment. On the contrary, the role of the road infrastructure has always been considered marginal. It was thought as a functional element on which the traffic flows move, without evaluating the role of its geometrical characteristics on exhaust gas emissions. The proposed research aims to verify whether some road features, related to its horizontal geometry, influence the carbon dioxide production of vehicles or, on the contrary, if it is not sensitive to the different geometrical compositions. A driving simulator gives the opportunity to calculate the emissions from fuel consumption data, in turn, calculated through the engine mapping of an ordinary vehicle. The proposed procedure may be easily applied to any road context and may represent a further checking element for the infrastructure efficiency, in terms of environmental impacts. The results, derived from a test phase in a simulated environment and obtained using 3 different one-way ANOVAs, allowed the authors to define some interesting conclusions. The trend of the carbon dioxide function depends on curve radius and lengths and on tangent length; therefore, an opportune alignment design can effectively contribute to control emission values. The experiments confirmed that designing a consistent road is fundamental, but this cannot be deduced by traditional literature models.

Keyword : environmental impact, fuel consumption, simulation, sustainable transport, road, emissions, CO2

How to Cite
Bosurgi, G., Marra, S., Pellegrino, O., & Sollazzo, G. (2025). Reducing CO2 emissions by improving road design: a driving simulator study. Transport, 40(1), 1–11.
Published in Issue
Feb 14, 2025
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