
Mobility-as-a-service: literature and tools review with a focus on personalization


In the coming years, mobility initiatives should focus on sustainability, safety, and social equity. This can be achieved by introducing innovative transportation methods, implementing novel approaches for end-users, and optimizing the utilization of traditional modes of transport. To achieve this goal, it is essential to utilize pervasive sensing and computing technologies, along with intelligent information processing systems, to assist decision makers, managers, and transport operators. To effectively address unforeseen events and disruptions, mobility services should promptly adapt and improve their flexibility. Furthermore, these services should be adaptable to meet the unique needs and evolving demands of individuals. Current research focuses on understanding how individuals make decisions about when and where they engage in walking, driving, and travel activities. Therefore, it is important to develop reliable human mobility models in this context. Big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are important in this context as they enable data generators to identify individual patterns and quickly adapt solutions. This paper aims to conduct a literature review on Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS), focusing on personalization, to identify gaps in current MaaS initiatives. This assessment is essential for creating inclusive, user-friendly, personalized, and customizable MaaS solutions. To conclude, the existing challenges have been addressed in comprehending the characteristics of MaaS in terms of personalization. Additionally, they have been proposed further research questions to delve deeper into this aspect.

First published online 26 February 2024

Keyword : mobility service, literature review, taxonomy, integration level, tools, personalization, human mobility data, gaps

How to Cite
Turno, F. M., & Yatskiv (Jackiva), I. (2023). Mobility-as-a-service: literature and tools review with a focus on personalization. Transport, 38(4), 243–262.
Published in Issue
Dec 29, 2023
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