
Robust optimization model of container liner routes in feeder line network

    Xiaoling Huang Affiliation
    ; Huanping Chen Affiliation
    ; Jiaan Zhang Affiliation
    ; Dan Wang Affiliation
    ; Jihong Chen Affiliation
    ; Jack Xunjie Luo Affiliation


The universal application of the hub-and-spoke maritime network makes feeder line network key to restricting the quality and efficiency of maritime transportation. However, container liner routes in feeder line network are susceptible to the changes in shipment demand and international fuel prices. Therefore, based on the hub-and-spoke maritime network, this paper constructs a robust optimization model of container liner routes in feeder line network. Under the capacity and time constraints, routes optimization and ship equipment under uncertain environment are analysed. An improved tabu search algorithm was designed based on the characteristics of the model. The example analysis proves that the model can still ensure the robustness of routes under uncertain environment, which is more applicable than the deterministic model.

Keyword : container liner routes, hub-and-spoke, feeder line, uncertain environment, robust optimization model, improved tabu search

How to Cite
Huang, X., Chen, H., Zhang, J., Wang, D., Chen, J., & Luo, J. X. (2024). Robust optimization model of container liner routes in feeder line network. Transport, 39(1), 13–24.
Published in Issue
Apr 4, 2024
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