
An efficient intelligent traffic light control and deviation system for traffic congestion avoidance using multi-agent system

    Rajendran Sathiyaraj Affiliation
    ; Ayyasamy Bharathi Affiliation


An efficient and intelligent road traffic management system is the corner stone for every smart cities. Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs) applies the principles of mobile ad hoc networks in a wireless network for Vehicle-to-vehicle data exchange communication. VANETs supports in providing an efficient Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) for smart cities. Road traffic congestion is a most common problem faced by many of the metropolitan cities all over the world. Traffic on the road networks are widely increasing at a larger rate and the current traffic management systems is unable to tackle this impediment. In this paper, we propose an Efficient Intelligent Traffic Light Control and Deviation (EITLCD) system, which is based on multi-agent system. This proposed system overcomes the difficulties of the existing traffic management systems and avoids the traffic congestion problem compare to the prior scenario. The proposed system is composed of two systems: Traffic Light Controller (TLC) system and Traffic Light Deviation (TLD) system. The TLC system uses three agents to supervise and control the traffic parameters. TLD system deviate the vehicles before entering into congested road. Traffic and travel related information from several sensors are collected through a VANET environment to be processed by the proposed technique. The proposed structure comprises of TLC system and makes use of vehicle measurement, which is feed as input to the TLD system in a wireless network. For route pattern identification, any traditional city map can be converted to planar graph using Euler’s path approach. The proposed system is validated using Nagel–Schreckenberg model and the performance of the proposed system is proved to be better than the existing systems in terms of its time, cost, expense, maintenance and performance.

First published online 26 September 2019

Keyword : traffic control, traffic deviation, multi-agent, sensors, vehicle categorization, traffic light controller, intelligent transportation system

How to Cite
Sathiyaraj, R., & Bharathi, A. (2020). An efficient intelligent traffic light control and deviation system for traffic congestion avoidance using multi-agent system. Transport, 35(3), 327-335.
Published in Issue
Jul 9, 2020
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