
A numerical method for 3D time-dependent Maxwell’s equations in axisymmetric singular domains with arbitrary data


In this article, we propose to solve the three-dimensional time-dependent Maxwell equations in a singular axisymmetric domain with arbitrary data. Due to the axisymmetric assumption, the singular computational domain boils down to a subset of R2. However, the electromagnetic field and other vector quantities still belong to R3. Taking advantage that the domain is transformed into a two-dimensional one, by doing Fourier analysis in the third dimension, one arrives to a sequence of singular problems set in a 2D domain. The mathematical tools of such problems have been exposed in [4,19]. Here, we derive a variational method from which we propose an original finite element numerical approach to solve the problem. Numerical experiments are also shown to illustrate that the method is able to capture the singular part of the solution. This approach can also be viewed as a generalization of the Singular Complement Method to three-dimensional problem.

Keyword : time-dependent Maxwell equations, Fourier analysis, singularities, axisymmetric geometry

How to Cite
Assous, F., & Raichik, I. (2023). A numerical method for 3D time-dependent Maxwell’s equations in axisymmetric singular domains with arbitrary data. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 28(3), 487–508.
Published in Issue
Sep 4, 2023
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