
Design of the pedagogical module for an emotionally intelligent tutoring system


Since 1970-ties the research is being carried out for the development of intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) that aretrying to imitate human-teachers and their teaching methods. However, over the last decade researchers inspired by the closerelationship between emotions and learning have been working on the addition of an emotional component to human-computerinteraction. This has led to creation of a new generation of intelligent tutoring systems – emotionally intelligent tutoring systems(EITS). Despite the research carried out so far, a problem how to adapt tutoring not only to a student’s knowledge state butalso to his/her emotional state has been disregarded. The paper presents study on how to use the determined student’s emotionalstate further in order to change behaviour of the intelligent tutoring system looking from the pedagogical point of view and toimplement this as a part of the pedagogical module. The architecture of the planned tutoring system that adapts the tutoring bothto student’s emotions and knowledge is also described in the paper.

Article in English.

Pedagoginio modulio emocijas suprantančiai mokymo sistemai kūrimas


Straipsnyje nagrinėjami klausimai, susiję su informacijos apienustatytą studento emocinę būklę taikymu sumaniosios mokymosistemos elgsenai keisti, taip pat emocinės būklės poveikis mokymoprocesui pedagoginiu požiūriu. Siūlomas pedagoginiamsaspektams įgyvendinti specializuotas informacinės sistemosmodulis. Parodoma pedagoginio modulio vieta sumaniosiosmokymo sistemos, pritaikančios mokymo procesą konkretausstudento žinių ir emociniam lygmenims, architektūroje.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: emocijos, kūrimas, intelektinė mokymo sistema, pedagoginis modulis.

Keyword : emotions, design, intelligent tutoring systems, pedagogical module

How to Cite
Petrovica, S. (2014). Design of the pedagogical module for an emotionally intelligent tutoring system. Mokslas – Lietuvos Ateitis / Science – Future of Lithuania, 6(2), 138-146.
Published in Issue
Apr 24, 2014
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