
Conferences of junior researchers in architecture „K. Seselgis readings-2009“ – on the way of continuing tradition


The article analyses decade-long experience of papers and presentations at the conference of junior researchers „K.Seselgis Readings“ in a period from 1999 to 2009. The importance of the main guiding principles of sustainable development in architecture and urban design is underlined. Presented in prominent documents of the European Union as European Urban Charter, Leipzig Charter, European Landscape Charter, Bristol Convention and the other documents, these principles should find their reflection in research works carried out by junior researchers in architecture and urban design in Lithuania as well as in the other countries of the European Union. This makes the value and forms the character of the conferences “K.Seselgis Readings” During decade-long history of the conferences the highest number of articles has been presented by researchers from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and from Kaunas University of Technology. The conference is open to researchers from all schools of architecture in Lithuania and in foreign countries.

Article in Lithuanian.

Jaunųjų mokslininkų architektų konferencija „K. Šešelgio skaitymai-2009“ – tradicijos tąsos kelyje

Santrauka. Ilgamečio VGTU Urbanistikos katedros vedėjo profesoriaus Kazio Šešelgio vardo jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos „K. Šešelgio skaitymai“ istorija pradeda skaičiuoti jau antrąjį dešimtmetį. Pradėtos rengti Urbanistikos katedros profesoriaus Jurgio Vanago iniciatyva, konferencijos jau tapo tradicine ir įprasta Lietuvos jaunųjų architektūros mokslininkų bendravimo erdve. Plati konferencijos straipsnių tematika atspindi visą spektrą tyrimų, kurios šiuo metu vykdo Lietuvos ir kai kurių užsienio universitetų jaunieji tyrėjai.

Keyword : research, urban design and architecture, sustainable development, landscape, junior researchers

How to Cite
Stauskis, G. (2011). Conferences of junior researchers in architecture „K. Seselgis readings-2009“ – on the way of continuing tradition. Mokslas – Lietuvos Ateitis / Science – Future of Lithuania, 1(2), 5-7.
Published in Issue
Apr 11, 2011
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