
A model for strength and strain analysis of steel fiber reinforced concrete

    Gediminas Marciukaitis Affiliation
    ; Remigijus Šalna Affiliation
    ; Bronius Jonaitis Affiliation
    ; Juozas Valivonis Affiliation


The article proposes a model for strength and stain analysis of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC). The model is based on general principles for creating and modelling structural composites and on reinforced concrete code. Differently from other examples, the elastic and plastic properties of the components (concrete and steel) of the introduced model are directly taken into account. The model gives an opportunity to determine tension and compression strength, the elasticity modulus of fiber concrete and the main parameters of its elasticity and plasticity. A good agreement between the obtained results and those of experiments performed by other investigators was confirmed. Differences between the ratios of theoretical and experimental values are insignificant and vary within the limits of 1.06–1.10. This model may be used for the analysis of reinforced concrete members reinforced by steel fibers (SFRC) in a dispersible way assuming stress distribution diagrams.

Betono, armuoto plienine dispersine armatura, stiprio ir deformaciju apskaiciavimo modelis

Santrauka. Straipsnyje pasiulytas betono, armuoto plienine dispersine armatura, stiprio ir deformaciju skaiciavimo modelis, pagristas bendraisiais statybiniu kompozitu kurimo ir modeliavimo principais bei gelžbetonio normomis. Šiame modelyje skirtingai nuo daugelio kitu yra tiesiogiai ivertinamos tampriosios ir plastinės kompozito komponentu (betono ir plieninės dispersinės armaturos) savybės. Modelis leidžia apskaiciuoti betono, armuoto plienine dispersine armatura, tempiamaji ir gniuždomaji stiprius, tamprumo moduli ir pagrindinius jo deformatyvumo parametrus—tamprumo ir plastiškumo koeficientus. Siulomo modelio palyginimas su šio straipsnio ir kitu autoriu atliktais eksperimentu duomenimis parodė, kad rezultatai sutampa. Teoriniu ir eksperimentiniu reikšmiu santykiai skiriasi nedaug ir kinta nuo 1,06 iki 1,10. Šis modelis gali buti taikomas priimant itempiu pasiskirstymo diagramas apskaiciuojant lenkiamuosius, plienine dispersine armatura armuotus betoninius elementus.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: kompozitasbetonasplieninė dispersinė armaturabetonasarmuotas plienine dispersine armaturadeformaciju modulistampriosios ir plastinės deformacijos.

Keyword : composite, concrete, steel fiber, fiber reinforced concrete, strength, secant modulus, elastic and plastic strain

How to Cite
Marciukaitis, G., Šalna, R., Jonaitis, B., & Valivonis, J. (2011). A model for strength and strain analysis of steel fiber reinforced concrete. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 17(1), 137-145.
Published in Issue
Apr 13, 2011
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