
Digital technologies for enhancing crane safety in construction: a combined quantitative and qualitative analysis

    Yunhan Zhang Affiliation
    ; Ke Chen Affiliation


A digital-enabled safety management approach is increasingly crucial for crane operations, which are common yet highly hazardous activities sensitive to environmental dynamics on construction sites. However, there exists a knowledge gap regarding the current status and developmental trajectory of this approach. Therefore, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of digital technologies for enhancing crane safety, drawing insights from articles published between 2008 and 2021. Special emphasis is placed on the sensing devices currently in use for gathering “man-machine-environment” data, as well as the communication networks, data processing algorithms, and intuitive visualization platforms employed. Through qualitative and quantitative analysis of the literature, it is evident that while notable advancements have been made in digital-enabled crane safety management, these achievements remain largely confined to the experimentation stage. Consequently, a framework is proposed in this study to facilitate the practical implementation of digital-enabled crane safety management. Furthermore, recommendations for future research directions are presented. This comprehensive review offers valuable guidance for ensuring safe crane operations in the construction industry.

Keyword : crane operation, digital technology, safety management, literature review

How to Cite
Zhang, Y., & Chen, K. (2023). Digital technologies for enhancing crane safety in construction: a combined quantitative and qualitative analysis. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 29(7), 604–620.
Published in Issue
Sep 11, 2023
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