
Life cycle sustainability assessment for multi-criteria decision making in bridge design: a review

    Ignacio Javier Navarro   Affiliation
    ; Vicent Penadés-Plà Affiliation
    ; David Martínez-Muñoz   Affiliation
    ; Rasmus Rempling Affiliation
    ; Víctor Yepes   Affiliation


Sustainable design of infrastructures has become a major matter of study since the recent establishment of the Agenda 2030. This paper provides a systematic literature review on the use of multi-criteria decision making techniques used so far for the sustainable design of bridges. Special attention is put as well on how the reviewed studies assess the sustainable performance of bridge designs along their life cycle from the economic, the environmental and the social perspective. Although SAW and AHP are recurrently used in the sustainable assessment of bridges, the analysis of the most recent articles show that the application of TOPSIS and PROMETHEE techniques are gaining increasing relevance for such purpose. Most of the studies focus on the research of the construction and the maintenance stage of bridges. However, a need for further analysis is identified when it comes to the assessment of the impacts resulting from the End of Life cycle stage of bridges from a sustainable point of view. The use of intuitionistic and neutrosophic logic have been detected as emerging alternatives to the fuzzy approach of decision making problems.

Keyword : decision making, sustainability, bridge design, state of the art, MCDM, life cycle assessment

How to Cite
Navarro, I. J., Penadés-Plà, V., Martínez-Muñoz, D., Rempling, R., & Yepes, V. (2020). Life cycle sustainability assessment for multi-criteria decision making in bridge design: a review. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 26(7), 690-704.
Published in Issue
Oct 2, 2020
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