Exploring justice perceptions in online banking recovery: gender moderation and behavioral outcomes
The study addresses the recovery from service failures in online banking. It focuses on the three dimensions of perceived recovery justice – namely, distributive justice (DJ), procedural justice (PJ), and interactional justice (IJ) – and investigates their impact on post-recovery satisfaction (PRS), the moderating effect of gender, and further, the influences of PRS on customer trust (CT), affective commitment (AFFC), and customers’ behavioral intentions (CBI). The study uses partial least squares structural equation modelling to examine the data collected in Egypt from 445 respondents who experienced a service failure with online banking. The results show that the three dimensions of perceived recovery justice – DJ, PJ, IJ – exert positive influences on PRS, and gender moderates the effects of PJ and IJ on PRS: procedural justice makes women exhibit higher levels of PRS. In contrast, interactional justice makes men encounter higher levels of PRS. The results also show that PRS positively influences CBI through its direct and indirect effects (via CT and AFFC). Furthermore, PRS mediates the positive effects of DJ, PJ, and IJ on customers’ behavioral intentions. The study outcomes have significant theoretical and practical implications for online banking.
Keyword : gender, perceived recovery justice, customer behavioral intentions, post-recovery satisfaction, relationship quality, customer trust, Affective commitment

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