
The relationship between organizational culture and public relations in business organizations

    Edit Terek Stojanović   Affiliation
    ; Marko Vlahović Affiliation
    ; Milan Nikolić Affiliation
    ; Siniša Mitić Affiliation
    ; Zoran Jovanović Affiliation


The study presents the results of the impact of organizational culture on public relations in business organizations. The data were obtained from a survey of 415 respondents from 93 companies in Serbia. The following statistical methods were used: descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. Some of the most important conclusions of the research follow: In most cases, the organizational culture dimensions have a statistically significant and positive influence on the communication models of public relations (CMPR) dimensions and the organization – public relations (OPR) dimensions; A favorable organizational culture (represented through the favorable values of the organizational culture dimensions) has a positive impact on two-way models of communication, especially the symmetrical model, as well as on most of the OPR dimensions. On the other hand, an unfavorable organizational culture encourages one-way communication and the organization’s orientation solely for its own benefit; The Power Distance dimension acts in contrast to the other dimensions of organizational culture: high power distance impedes two-way communication and promotes the utility of the company, all of which causes public distrust and dissatisfaction.

Keyword : organizational culture, public relations models, organization – public relationships, the organization’s national origin, Serbia

How to Cite
Terek Stojanović, E., Vlahović, M., Nikolić, M., Mitić, S., & Jovanović, Z. (2020). The relationship between organizational culture and public relations in business organizations. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 21(6), 1628-1645.
Published in Issue
Oct 1, 2020
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