
Sustainability reporting in the Nordic real estate companies: empirical evidence from Finland

    Anahita Rashidfarokhi Affiliation
    ; Saija Toivonen Affiliation
    ; Kauko Viitanen Affiliation


The purpose of our study was to investigate the content of sustainability reporting issued by real estate sector. Content analysis was employed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of sustainability information provided by sample companies. The content analysis structure considered both quantity and quality of information simultaneously. Our results show an inconsistency in the form, extent and quality of sustainability reports. In addition, our findings recognise a lack of clear approach to embrace materiality, external assurance, and further engagement of stakeholders in the sample reports. It seems that most of the sample companies were engaged in issuing sustainability reports to fulfil the legislative requirement and avoiding financial or legal risks. Our study provides information on the current status of sustainability reporting to real estate professionals. In addition it contributes in decreasing the financial and legal risks, and increasing the corporate reputational capital, by revealing the common weaknesses prevalent in the sustainability reports.

Keyword : sustainability reporting, listed real estate companies, quantity and quality of sustainability information, content analysis, Global Reporting Initiative

How to Cite
Rashidfarokhi, A., Toivonen, S., & Viitanen, K. (2018). Sustainability reporting in the Nordic real estate companies: empirical evidence from Finland. International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 22(1), 51-63.
Published in Issue
Mar 20, 2018
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