
Performance assessment of spatial interpolations for traffic noise mapping on undulating and level terrain

    Nevil Wickramathilaka Affiliation
    ; Uznir Ujang Affiliation
    ; Suhaibah Azri Affiliation
    ; Tan Liat Choon Affiliation


Traffic noise mapping frequently employs Kriging, Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW), and Triangular Irregular Networks (TIN) spatial interpolations. This study uses the Henk de Kluijver noise model to evaluate the performance of spatial interpolations. Effective traffic noise mapping requires that noise observation points (Nops) be designed as 2 m grids. The upper and lower slopes function as noise barriers to reduce sound levels. Therefore, assessment of accuracy is essential for visualising noise levels in undulating and level terrain. In addition, this work gives an accurate comparison of traffic noise interpolation in undulating areas. The elements of spatial interpolations, such as the weighting factor, variogram, radius, and number of points influence the interpolation accuracy. The Kriging with a Gaussian variogram, where the radius is 5 m and the number of points is 12 demonstrates the highest level of precision. However, there is no direct relationship between accuracy validation and cross-validation. In cross-validation, however, the accuracy of the Gaussian variogram with a 7 m radius and 18 points is more accurate. In addition, this study demonstrates that Kriging is superior for extrapolating noise levels in undulating regions. Accurate visualising traffic noise levels requires a prior understanding of spatial interpolations.

Keyword : noise observation points, accuracy validation, IDW, Kriging, TIN

How to Cite
Wickramathilaka, N., Ujang, U., Azri, S., & Choon, T. L. (2024). Performance assessment of spatial interpolations for traffic noise mapping on undulating and level terrain. Geodesy and Cartography, 50(1), 35–42.
Published in Issue
Apr 15, 2024
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