
Economic assessment of reconstruction needs

    Romualdas Tamošaitis Affiliation


Durability and aesthetic appearance are important elements of all buildings, but the need for reconstruction is often influenced by the economic considerations. We often decide to reconstruct industrial buildings in order to increase profits and we choose to reconstruct residential houses to save money on heating or maintenance expenses. This article deals with a mathematical method for economic assessment of reconstruction needs. The mathematical method used in this article is based on evaluating the break-even point between the reconstruction expenditures and the economic profit. The relationship between the economic profit and the reconstruction expenditures is usually quite complicated as it may take a non-linear form and result in several break-even points. The main goal of an economic assessment in reconstruction usually concerns finding the rational solutions between several break-even points.

Article in English.

Ekonominis rekonstrukcijos poreikio įvertinimas

Santrauka. Pastatų patvarumas ir išvaizda yra svarbūs dalykai visiems statiniams, tačiau rekonstrukcijos poreikį dažniausiai lemia ekonominė nauda. Gyvenamuosius statinius dažniausiai rekonstruojame siekdami sumažinti šildymo ir priežiūros išlaidas, o pramoninius pastatus – keisdami pasenusias technologijas naujomis ir tokiu būdu siekdami didesnio pelno. Šiame straipsnyje aprašoma nauja kritinio taško analizės metodu pagrįsta metodika, skirta rekonstrukcijos poreikio ekonominiam pagrįstumui nustatyti.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: statybarekonstrukcijos poreikiskritinio taško analizės metodas.

First Published Online: 16 May 2013

Keyword : construction, reconstruction needs, critical point method, break-even point method

How to Cite
Tamošaitis, R. (2010). Economic assessment of reconstruction needs. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 2(1), 38-44.
Published in Issue
Mar 31, 2010
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