
Anchorage characteristics of non-metallic reinforcement for concrete

    Mantas Atutis Affiliation
    ; Juozas Valivonis Affiliation


This article analyzes the basic problems of the anchorage of non-metallic reinforcement for concrete and reviews calculation methods of anchorage length using ACI, STR, JSCE and fib Model Code 2010. The paper presents a comparison of experimental (Benmokrane et al. 2003) and theoretical results and studies the major types of experimental tests to determine the bond strength of FRP reinforcing bars. The anchorage length of continuous fiber reinforcement (non-metallic reinforcement bars) is calculated using diff erent expressions proposed in codes and recommendations, thus providing with particular results. The article also shows how the anchorage length of a reinforcing bar is influenced by mechanical properties of reinforcement and concrete, concrete cover and the diameter of the reinforcing bar. Experimental results are compared with theoretically obtained values referring to codes and recommendations. A scatter of results is 3.67-10.18. It was found, that the anchorage length of the carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) bar calculated by ACI, STR, JSCE and MC increases in the number of times an increase in bar diameter. It has been stated, that anchorage length decreases by 1,44 and 1,71 when the compression strength of concrete increases by 2 and 4. Theoretical calculations have revealed that depending on a bar diameter, in order to minimize the anchorage length of non – metallic reinforcement, the use of the concrete cover higher than 3 db is not feasible. Moreover, when using conventional steel for concrete reinforcement, anchorage length is 3 times less than that of a concrete member with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) reinforcement and 2 times less than using basalt fiber reinforced polymer (BFRP) reinforcement. Calculation methodology for the anchorage length of a steel reinforcing bar can be used for calculating the anchorage length of non-metallic reinforcement. However, individual coefficients of diff erent FRP reinforcement must be applied to determine environmental factors and temperature of mechanical properties of non-metallic reinforcement. The values of coefficients must be determined conducting experimental tests.

Article in Lithuanian.

Kompozitinės armatūros inkaravimo betone ypatumai

Santrauka. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos kompozitinės armatūros inkaravimo betone problemos. Pateikiamos projektavimo normų (ACI, STR, JSCE) ir rekomendacijų (fib MC 2010) metodikos armatūros inkaravimo ilgiui nustatyti. Atlikta eksperimentinių rezultatų ir teorinių skaičiavimų lyginamoji analizė. Aptarti eksperimentiniai armatūros ir betono sukibties stiprio nustatymo būdai, betono ir armatūros sukibimą veikiantys veiksniai. Remiantis šio darbo rezultatais nustatyta, kaip armatūros inkaravimo ilgis priklauso nuo armatūros ir betono mechaninių savybių, geometrinių parametrų. Pateikiamos šių veiksnių ir kompozitinės armatūros inkaravimo ilgio priklausomybės.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: anglies pluoštasbazalto pluoštasinkaravimo ilgissukibties stiprisstrypo ištraukimo iš betono bandymaskompozitinė armatūra.

First Published Online: 16 May 2013

Keyword : carbon fi ber reinforced polymer, bazalt fi ber reinforced polymer, anchorage length of a reinforcing bar, bond strength, pull-out test

How to Cite
Atutis, M., & Valivonis, J. (2011). Anchorage characteristics of non-metallic reinforcement for concrete. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 3(2), 72-78.
Published in Issue
Jun 30, 2011
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