
A systematic review of information modelling of individual residential buildings

    Darius Kalibatas Affiliation
    ; Diana Kalibatienė Affiliation
    ; Oleg Kapliński Affiliation


Rapidly growing building information modelling (BIM) in construction offers a number of advantages and new opportunities of improving efficiency and effectiveness of the construction process and enhancing the use of emerging technology throughout the project’s lifecycle, not only in new buildings, but also in existing ones, including overall infrastructure. Recently, there has been a great number of publications discussing BIM advantages in construction. A number of review papers summarising BIM usage cases have been published. However, as the preliminary research shows, not all organizations use BIM because of its disadvantages. Therefore, the main aim of this research is to study the extent of available literature on BIM, to determine the current situation of BIM usage, and summarise publications related to the application of BIM. The current study is limited solely to papers available in SpringerLink, ScienceDirect and Thomson Reuters Web of Sciences scientific databases. The obtained results make it clear that BIM case studies and research in academic journals show high level of BIM implementation in practice, and advantages of BIM. However, there are some limitations of BIM usage in practice. Moreover, new trends in the evolving BIM are presented and discussed in this paper.

Keyword : BIM, building information model, construction, literature review

How to Cite
Kalibatas, D., Kalibatienė, D., & Kapliński, O. (2018). A systematic review of information modelling of individual residential buildings. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 10(2), 58-71.
Published in Issue
Nov 13, 2018
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