
Application of TOPSIS method in prioritization of highway bridges for seismic retrofitting

    Ali Yousefi Affiliation
    ; Mohd Sanusi S. Ahamad Affiliation
    ; Taksiah A. Majid Affiliation


The process of bridges seismic retrofitting in the highway network is extremely costly and time consuming. In addition, the constraint on resources prevents the retrofitting of all the bridges at the same time. Besides, the bridges must be prioritized with simultaneous consideration of multiple criteria, including technical and socioeconomic aspect. This study intends to identify the major criteria and consider them simultaneously for prioritization of highway bridges additionally provides an effective technique for weighing these criteria. In this research, TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution) method as a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) model is applied. TOPSIS method enables decision makers to deal with problems involving a large number of alternatives (bridges) and criteria. This methodology reduces multiple alternative (bridge) performances into a single value (ranking score) to facilitate the decision-making process for determination of the most suitable bridges for retrofitting. Suggested criteria include structural vulnerability, seismic hazard, anticipated service life, average daily traffic, interface with other lifelines, alternative routes and bridge importance. Moreover, relative importance (weight) of the criteria is assigned using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique. The proposed method is applied to a real case of the Isfahan highway network.

Keyword : highway bridges, seismic retrofitting, prioritization, MCDM, TOPSIS

How to Cite
Yousefi, A., Ahamad, M. S. S., & Majid, T. A. (2014). Application of TOPSIS method in prioritization of highway bridges for seismic retrofitting. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 6(3), 114-123.
Published in Issue
Dec 22, 2014
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