
Experimental investigation of steel equal angle subjected to compression

    Jyoti V. Bhilawe Affiliation
    ; Laxmikant M. Gupta Affiliation


This paper presents pin-ended compression tests on steel equal angles. Three nominal section sizes were tested. Detailed measurements of material properties, residual stresses, and geometrical imperfections were conducted. The pin ended specimens were tested with a minimal eccentricity of L/1,000 applied about the minor axis to cause compression at the tips of the legs. The test data are compared with the Indian specifications for hot-rolled steel structures. The section capacities obtained from the column tests are found to be between 15 and 40% higher than those calculated according to the specifications. It is concluded that there is no need to include the additional eccentricity specified in the steel structures standards accounting for the shift of the effective centroid, and that the eccentricity of L/1,000, specified for all section classes, should be applied to slender sections only.

Keyword : angle, residual stress, imperfection, IS 800:2007, buckling, compression

How to Cite
Bhilawe, J. V., & Gupta, L. M. (2015). Experimental investigation of steel equal angle subjected to compression. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 7(2), 55-66.
Published in Issue
Dec 18, 2015
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