
Research of cement additives influence on the properties of soilcrete

    Vaidas Marčiulaitis Affiliation
    ; Danutė Sližytė Affiliation
    ; Rimantas Mackevičius Affiliation
    ; Tatyana Zhilkina Affiliation


The article analyses a possibility of replacing a part of cement with fly ash in jet grouting piles, because the received strength of cement treated grout is much higher than it is necessary for these piles. The paper presents the problems of fly ash utilization, overviews experimental and theoretical works and analyses laboratory tests on the samples of cement treated grout. The conducted experiments involved manufacturing cylindrical cement treated grout samples containing different additives when the diameter of the cylinder is 35 mm, and its height is 70 mm. The experiments on the samples comprising the additives of fly ash were made in sand and clay soils. 25% to 75% of cement was replaced with fly ash in cement treated grout samples tested under compressive strength following 7 days hardening in air.

Keyword : soilcrete, fly ash, compressive strength, sand soil, clay soil, jet grouting

How to Cite
Marčiulaitis, V., Sližytė, D., Mackevičius, R., & Zhilkina, T. (2016). Research of cement additives influence on the properties of soilcrete. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 7(3), 140-145.
Published in Issue
Mar 21, 2016
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