
Development and investigation of thermal insulation from hemp-polylactide fibres

    Rūta Stapulionienė Affiliation
    ; Ramūnas Tupčiauskas Affiliation
    ; Saulius Vaitkus Affiliation
    ; Sigitas Vėjelis Affiliation


In the last two decades intensive grow of industry of building materials from renewable resources is observed. Such situation is related to some aspects: global warming, environmental pollution, impact on human health, environmental impact of materials at their end-of-life.

In current study development of thermal insulation materials from hemp and polylactide fibres are analysed. While main parameter for thermal insulation materials is thermal conductivity, rational density of composite 40 kg/m3 was chosen. For experiments 11 compositions were prepared. One composition was prepared just with hemp and polylactide fibres, five compositions with different amount of hydrophobic agent and 5 compositions with different amount of fire retardant. Experimentally thermal conductivity, sound absorption coefficient, short-term water absorption, fire resistance, water vapour transfer properties and compressive strength were determined. Rational amount of hydrophobic agent and fire retardants was chosen.

Keyword : thermal insulation materials, hemp fibers, polylactide, thermal conductivity, sound absorption coefficient, short-term water absorption, fire resistance

How to Cite
Stapulionienė, R., Tupčiauskas, R., Vaitkus, S., & Vėjelis, S. (2016). Development and investigation of thermal insulation from hemp-polylactide fibres. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 8(1), 23-30.
Published in Issue
Apr 17, 2016
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