
Experimental investigations on innovative crack repair methods and reinforcing steel structures with adhesivly bonded CFRP – lamellas

    Florian Sternsdorff Affiliation
    ; Yvonne Ciupack Affiliation
    ; Hartmut Pasternak Affiliation


The paper describes some of the experiments carried out at the Chair of Steel and Timber Construction to reinforce steel with adhesively bonded CFRP lamellas.
The first topic deals with the repair of cracks in steel structures exposed to fatigue. The aim was to extend the remaining service life of these components by means of adhesively bonded CFRP lamellas and then to compare the results obtained with established methods for repairing cracks. In order to improve the informative value of the investigations, several test parameters such as adhesive candidates, temperature, creep effects, degrees of prestressing, load levels and the position of the reinforcement measures were varied.
The second set of topics examined the extent to which a typical steel beam-to-column connection can be reinforced with the help of adhesively bonded CFRP lamellas.

First published online 08 July 2022

Keyword : steel, CFRP, adhesive, fatigue, crack repair, reinforcement measure, experiments

How to Cite
Sternsdorff, F., Ciupack, Y., & Pasternak, H. (2021). Experimental investigations on innovative crack repair methods and reinforcing steel structures with adhesivly bonded CFRP – lamellas. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 13(1), 1–6.
Published in Issue
Dec 31, 2021
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