
Durability of a repaired dune sand mortar modified by ceramic waste

    Yacine Abadou Affiliation
    ; Ratiba Kettab Affiliation
    ; Abderrahmane Ghrieb Affiliation


The waste-modified mortars have an important place in the range of repair products. The objective of this study is to better understand and analyze, in one hand, the influence of ceramic waste in the dune sand mortars on the quality of repair concrete surfaces, in the other hand, durability of the mortars in interaction with the substrates to which they are applied. As regards the mortar layer durability, two indicators are chosen: the first is the adhesion to the substrate, and the second is the stress state in the mortar layer. For this, two types of modified mortars were made using two types of waste ceramics: sanitary ceramics and earthenware. To evaluate the quality of the adhesion to a substrate surface to be repaired, an adhesion test based on the three point bending test was implemented, taking into account the influences of the environment, the state of the surface of the substrate, the nature of the substrate defined by its water saturation degree and its porosity. The mortar composition parameters, in particular, the nature and the amount of ceramic, were studied. The results enable us to evaluate the influences of the waste ceramic incorporation in the mortar and the substrate condition on which the mortar is applied. Show that the adhesion depends on both the type and the amount of the used ceramic waste and the applied cure. It is optimized from 30% of ceramic earthenware and sanitary mortar adhesive strengths are higher than mortars based on dune sand ones.

Keyword : dune sand, ceramic waste, repair mortar, adhesion, mechanical strength, durability

How to Cite
Abadou, Y., Kettab, R., & Ghrieb, A. (2018). Durability of a repaired dune sand mortar modified by ceramic waste. Engineering Structures and Technologies, 10(1), 1-9.
Published in Issue
Apr 27, 2018
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